Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Southern Journeying...

It has been a whirlwind week thus far. So much to say, so much to see. I will be waiting until I return this weekend to tell all the details, though. It might take me that long to organize my thoughts and collect together everything from my Dayton trip! Overall, it has been a wonderful experience. Good friends, interesting and wonderful people, unique sights. I'm already looking forward to this fall and enjoying a ghost tour when I return. While I haven't spent a great deal of time seeking out ghosts in the places I've been, one doesn't need to be surrounded by the dead to enjoy some things! sometimes, living can actually be more fun...

For those of you thrown off course by my last post, I do apologize somewhat. I've been meaning to post a French entry for a while, but recently had a little added incentive. I miss being more bilingual, and being reasonably close to french-speaking areas of Canada, it seemed fitting. I'm sure I shall do that again. Perhaps after an adventure further north...

In other news, my manuscript hates me. Formatting it isn't as simple as I would like and I seem to hit pitfalls every time I attempt it! The rainy, dreary weather doesn't exactly excite any enthusiasm, either. but at least I've given it a good try. One way or another, I'll solve that enigma known as Microsoft Word. Perhaps when I'm home again. Though some things might take precedence over it upon my immediate return. Life is getting quite interesting, and I know more than ever that where this year leads me is a mystery. So many possibilities and probabilities. We shall see, as I always say...


Anonymous said...

Je suis content de savoir que tu passes une bonne semaine :) De mon côté j'attends ton retour avec impatience!
C'est vraiment étrange d'écrire des commentaires en français.. J'ai toujours trouvé que le français écrit est mauvais pour s'exprimer..
En tous cas!

Attendant ta visite dans les régions nordiques avec impatience... Marc

Ken Summers said...

So much for the vurtue of patience... LOL But at least I can read your comments! ;)therefore, I don't mind.

Catch you soon! :)

Anonymous said...

Good catch... but it's an expression :O I'm still patiently waiting in a way...

Jeanne said...

Hey guys
It really is amazing that I still comprehend so much written French.
I guess those four years of HS French and learning French opera paid off! :~D