Sunday, July 17, 2005

Somebody Else's Business

"He loves her, but he sometimes thinks she's crazy
Laughing, the next minute mad
And saying 'I think you're wasting my time'
Crying, then changing her mind.

She's screaming and shouting and everything's blinding
She's laughing out loud, and they say cause she's mine
It's somebody else's business, somebody else's business..."

My boyfriend has a bad toothache. Again. He already had one tooth pulled. I really think he needs to take better care of himself sometimes. I just worry too much about him too. We had a discussion last night about my insecurities. Mostly, they're just absurd and grounded in my low self-esteem and poor body image. When I hurt inside and he hurts outside, we tend to take it out on each other, which isn't healthy. I talked with a friend of his yesterday online about our issues. She said, "there's no changing him. He will never get a job. He can't handle work. He is the way he is and that will never change. I'm sorry."

Sorry my ass. LOL People can become better people. When you give up on someone, that's when they go downhill. He's not some lost cause. He just needs to believe in himself more. That's the issue here. And maybe having some positive friends would do wonders too. Being around people who drink and smoke and don't seem to give a damn about him or his well-being is why he is the way he is sometimes. He's easily influenced by his surroundings. Criticism and mockery don't do shit for someone with low self-esteem and self-worth.

"She suffers from such violent mood swings
He says they disagree
He loves her, and life is never boring
Some say it's just being free....

She's screaming and shouting and everything's blinding
She's laughing out loud, and they say cause she's mine
It's somebody else's business, somebody else's business..."

1 comment:

Liam said...

What song/poem is that from?