Friday, November 14, 2008

Back to School...

Another busy, chaotic week draws itself to a close. Research, query letters, catching up on email slowly...

Tonight, I helped out two friends with an adult education class dealing with paranomal topics. It felt somewhat strange setting foot in a former-high-school-turned-community-center and not because of any possible ghostly happenings. There was something eerily odd about the rows of empty lockers. Everything seems so different after years away from the scene.

The class itself went quite well (far better than anticipated) and I actually had a chance to speak quite a bit throughout the night. As is often the case with these things, it ran over time-wise, but no one complained. There is always too much to talk about and not enough time in a two-hour slot to fit everything in. Still, there is next week when I'll be filling in again...

It was nice having an excuse to wear a shirt and tie, but exhausting nonetheless. And if I plan on being conscious for tomorrow, I should hit the hay while I still can...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm happy you had this opportunity, Ken--I just wish I could have been in the classroom that day, too: I feel as though I have so much to learn from you yet....*sigh*