I have a lot of things to juggle right now. Old projects, new optimistic possibilities. So many things have changed in my life over the last year, let alone the past 10 years. And I feel I don't have adequate time to devote to Spooked! right now, nor have I for months. A trend started this past year... not merely writing about strange things and place, but seeing new horizons and actually living those things. I've laughed and loved, taken risks to venture into new strange lands, and remembered what it was to be happy. I still love the paranormal and this blog will always be a fond memory. As for whether I continue it or begin a new one, that remains to be seen.... and we will all find out as 2010 arrives.
Tonight, I took a fond look back myself at some of the interesting things from my life, and reviewed old videos sent by my dearest friend on the planet, Joel. So many things have happened in the course of our friendship. We shared the good and bad together, laughed as well as cried. It was a pleasant trip, but not without a few sad thoughts. He has been the greatest impact on my life out of anyone I know, and still having him in my life is the greatest gift I could ever receive. Still... it reminds me that Australia has been an ambition of mine for half my life. Of my few opportunities to see the country, fear has always stopped me in my tracks. And that is one thing I hope to shed in the near future. I've even made a pact with my friend Dana that if we can find a way, we will travel there together, making it a less frightening experience for both of us.
And then there are other things coming up... but I will wait to mention those things after the fact. I'd rather not jinx myself by saying some things are in the works and find out that everything falls through. But I'm off to a party tomorrow so I'll be away from the computer for the next couple days. But stay tuned....