Sunday, June 1, 2008

Somewhere, Beneath the Sea...

Among the many mythical creatures keeping cryptozoologists busy unraveling mysteries are mermaids. Museums sometimes show antique, mummified remains (like the Feejee Mermaid) which have been known to be hoaxes. Most scientists and historians agree that sightings from the past have been nothing more than manatees mistaken for humanoids.

But that doesn't mean we can't dream...

And yes, there are even believed to be mermen. They may not be as common or as popular in legend, but half-man, half-fish creatures have been occasionally reported.

But just in case you aren't curious to track down legendary creatures on your own, you can always get your own, more compact, version.

The delightful people at December Diamonds have an entire line of mermen ornaments, perfect for making any Christmas a little gayer. Most of the collection is available at Diamonds of the Sea, Q Gifts Online, and many other retailers.

But I'm sure they would make for interesting conversation pieces at any other time of the year...

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