Friday, August 8, 2008

Finding the 'Family' Plot...

Wouldn't we all like to rest our bones beside the bones of those we've known and loved?

Assistens KirkegÄrd in Copenhagen has a very unique feature not found in other graveyards: a gay section.

Married couple Ivan Larsen and Ove Carlsen initiated the project by forming an organization named Regnbuen (or Rainbow) and renting space in the cemetery earlier this year. It lies beneath a large tree and contains enough room for 45 urns. Each plot costs 2500 kroner, or approximately US$565. The area is marked by a triangle made of stone pebbles with a large boulder, draped with a rainbow flag, perched along one of the angles.

Larsen, a minister, believes this is a very good thing. "Just as we have our own places where we can meet and have fun,... so we would also like to have a grave. And it's really nice that we have our own grave."

"We don't want to isolate ourselves but we also feel a need to be together," said Larsen. "We see this as a family grave, one that will be taken care of by our family.''

The cemetery dates back to 1737 and is the final resting place of many well-known people from Danish history, including author Hans Christian Andersen.

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