When I first set out in the paranormal community, I felt alone. Not for being new, but for being gay. I felt as though it were a non-issue; it had nothing to do with ghosts or death, honestly. I never brought it up, but I never denied it if asked about it. Aside from a few small-minded individuals (mostly online... a few paranoid men and a handful of "devout Christians" who spoke openly about how horrible the lifestyle was right in front of me, not knowing I was one myself), I never had much problem with anyone I worked with for over a decade.
Like it or not, it's a part of who I am. I spent years suffering in silence, feeling a bit like a fraud. I wasn't being honestly who I am. Even though I was essentially "out" (many people don't realize that coming out is a chronic and constant process), I would shut down in the paranormal community.
Slowly that changed. I met some of my closest gay friends through ghost hunting. Everywhere I turned, there were more gay and lesbian paranormal investigators. So I added it to the many labels we give ourselves.
At the same time, I noticed many out there who were terrified of admitting who they were. One investigator went so far as to start dating a woman. Sadly, it still happens to this day.
There are rumors circulating about the sexual proclivities of certain individuals very visible in the paranormal community. Do I know anything about any of them for sure? No. I'll admit I'm sometimes curious, but I leave things be. I'm a nice person. I'm not the sort to out anyone who hasn't said those words, acknowledged rumors, etc. I applaud those who have been brave enough to be themselves.
Still, I'm doing the unthinkable: I'm asking more GLBT paranormal investigators, psychics, mediums, etc. to stand up and be counted. Some of you may have run across my blog accidentally... others may give it a glance here and there. But why hide any longer?
Fellow investigators will get over it. Producers and agents will blow a gasket, but they honestly shouldn't have a stranglehold on someone's personal life. The benefits will far outweigh the perceived risk.
There are more out there, either unknowingly feeling isolated or keeping quiet for other reasons. Both the lonely and the fearful can find solace in each other if they only give it a chance.
I'm one! I'm Here, I'm queer and I wear Ghost Hunting Gear! Huggs!
I've been so lucky with my group. They knew from the outset that I'm gay and in a relationship of 10+ years. The first time I met my group, Michael was with me and they treated him wonderfully.
A few of our members are military and sometimes they will say something off the cuff just out of habit because of their work environment. I've come to realize they don't actually even think about what they say and usually will turn red once they do and spend 10 minutes apologizing for being offensive. I have to keep assuring them I'm not offended (I'm not) because I understand their world where macho rules.
The more of us who are out the better it will be for all. :-)
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