Monday, April 14, 2008

Some Revelations Are Better Late Than Never...

And so, with the whirlwind of drama still buzzing around me in a cloud of gray and less than 24 hours remaining before I turn 29, I have had a bit of an epiphany.

I seriously think the universe is trying to tell me that I need to get back to my writing.

No, I'm not talking about the book sequel. I mean my other writing: screenwriting. You know, my yet-untouched-and-unfinished second movie script... the sketch comedy ideas my friends and I have toyed with and I have jotted down on paper (i.e. "F.A.G.S.")... a few other storylines I've been contemplating off and on...

The writing that made me happy.

Some of the companies I would love to work with don't accept unsolicited submissions and that's been a major hurdle for me. It stopped me months ago from carrying on. But then it dawned on me. Why not just ask them what agencies they work with?


So I sent emails out tonight. In the mean time, while I'm attempting to slay that dragon known as drama which seems to fight ever harder to invade my personal space, I'll get back to the good stuff. I've been off track for far too long lately. I know at least one of my ideas will strike someone as witty. I believe in my work and that's what matters most.

Besides, it just might inspire me to finish the other book and get things back in motion. The wheels might be slightly rusted in place, but they're not frozen for good...

1 comment:

Chris said...

Hey Kenny, sorry I missed your Birthday celebration dinner and seeing you Saturday. As you can read from my blog and from Bill, I had a accident and hurt alot right now. I left your gift and card with Bill if you see him for you. I wanted to give them to you Sat night. Sorry again and feel bad I missed everything. Happy Birthday to you, your still a young stud and just think you get to join the ranks with all of us "Old" Dolls one day and be like "Girls will be Girls" with your teeth and eyeball in a glass next to the bed lol haha! Anyway Happy Birthday sweetie! Huggs!