Monday, April 28, 2008

Supernatural Spotlight: Loyd Auerbach

This week, I decided it was time to highlight the man who inspired many paranormal investigators, including myself: Loyd Auerbach... author, parapsychologist, mentalist, professor, and lecturer.

Indeed, Auerbach wears many hats.

He received his Master's degree from John F. Kennedy University in 1981 and published his first and best-known book, ESP, Hauntings, and Poltergeists : A Parapsychologist's Handbook, in 1986. Only a few years afterward, I bought my own copy which I still have on my bookshelf today (no, not a very common literary choice for a nine-year-old). From there we went on to write a regular column for Fate Magazine and act as a member or adviser for many paranormal organizations across the country. Still, he is probably best known for his occasional appearances of television and documentaries involving ghosts and hauntings.

His newest book, A Paranormal Casebook: Ghost Hunting in the New Millennium, was released in 2005. He is currently offering certificate courses (not like those "certified/licensing workshops" which plague us all, just to clarify matters) approved by the state of California for parapsychological studies.

Whether you're the beginning ghost hunter or an avid investigator, his books and work are not to be missed. With his three decades of work, "Professor Paranormal" has a lot to teach us...


Anonymous said...

Thanks very much for the spotlight and kind words.

Just a certificate (not certification) course in Parapsychological Studies has no connection to the University of California.

It is offered by HCH Institute, a California state-approved school -- programs there are also state-approved.

It would be great if the UC system would allow for courses such as this, but I'm afraid academia in the US still has no real openness to Parapsychology -- though this is a money-related (funding) issue as much as anything else.


Loyd Auerbach, MS

Ken Summers said...

You're quite welcome.. and I did make changes to the entry to reflect that. Another late-night blunder with words on my part... I do apologize!